kirsan_vlz2010-09-04 20:12:33
kirsan_vlz, 2010-09-04 20:12:33

Cross browser way to play MIDI on a web page

For one project, I needed to play midi files on a page. Naturally, this should work on most browsers (well, I don’t take into account ie6). But, as far as I understand, you either need a QuickTime plugin, which is far from available on every machine, or Flash, which, judging by what Google told me, cannot work with midi, or the audio tag, which is far from being implemented everywhere in FF , for example, is also not friendly with midi.
In general, I'm surprised. The format is old, actively used (in the circles of musicians), but with tight support. Does anyone have any options on how to stick midi playback on the page?

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3 answer(s)
SSM, 2010-09-04

using the embed tag

<embed src="http://YOUR URL.mid" autostart="true" controls="smallconsole" loop="true">

here are examples and variations
checked it works in Chrome,FF,Safari

almazmusic, 2010-09-04

MIDI is not a format, it's an interface for data transfer. MIDI is not available in all sound cards. And unless the MIDI content is generated somehow randomly, or online, then at least you need to render these, yours, midish melodies to WAV. This can be done with any midi editor or sequencer. For example, the same FL Studio.
I won’t say anything 100% about MIDI playback, but I repeat that, for example, I have an external professional card WITHOUT midi. And acc. my PC can't play MIDI in hardware.

firstbyte, 2010-09-05

As funny as it sounds, it's easier to convert it to a different sound format.

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