v0rtex2011-01-30 14:14:46
v0rtex, 2011-01-30 14:14:46

Command line in Linux?

Sorry for the lamer question. Now I am setting up Transmission on Tomato firmware according to this instruction www.xtremecoders.org/forums/f76/guide-how-install-...
Step 2: Open Putty or telnet using 192.168.1.* yours router IP, and write the following commands …
mkdir /mnt/Hitachi_120/opt # <Hitachi_120> is my USB HDD label (ext2)
When I run this command I get this error:
mkdir: can't create directory '/mnt/elements/opt': No such file or directory
[email protected]:/tmp/home/root#
Help the Windows user. Maybe I got mounted in the wrong place?

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2 answer(s)
Artqookie, 2011-01-30

Maybe there is no /mnt/elements

airmile, 2011-01-30

look with the mount command where your disk is attached, follow the instructions,
if there is no disk then www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/mounting.html

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