MAXH02011-12-25 23:08:01
MAXH0, 2011-12-25 23:08:01

Click on canvas - how to get coordinates correctly?

The question is generally obvious, but I did not find a convenient code (I'm just a fan of programming in JavaScript)
Regarding the window and the document, the coordinates are obtained easily. How about canvas?

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2 answer(s)
FrostMoon, 2011-12-25

x = pageY - canvasElement.offsetLeft;
y = pageX - canvasElement.offsetTop;
where pageY and pageX are coordinates relative to the document.

Sererator, 2012-01-05

msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms530302%28VS.85%29.aspx is a good article on MSDN about sizes and coordinates. Better than this on the net did not meet.

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