Kalantyr2010-12-18 10:55:07
Google Chrome
Kalantyr, 2010-12-18 10:55:07

Chrome - how to highlight all occurrences of a word on a page?

Often there is a need to see all occurrences of a word on a web page.
To do this, you have to press Ctrl + F, and type it, after which all occurrences are highlighted in yellow. Or select this word on the page, copy it, then paste it into the search.

Who knows - is there a way to quickly highlight all occurrences of a word on a page by simply clicking on it? (without entering a word from the keyboard)

For example, this handy feature is built into Notepad ++ - you double-click on any word and it lights up throughout the text.

Browser - Chrome.

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2 answer(s)
Ambyte, 2010-12-18

You can, through an extension for Chrome, but it has not yet been written. The opportunity would indeed be good.

Vlad Zhivotnev, 2010-12-18

chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/cpecbmjeidppdiampimghndkikcmoadk?hl=ru isn't it?

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