Alexander2012-01-31 13:23:11
Alexander, 2012-01-31 13:23:11

Cards. Embedding on the site part of the map?

Is it possible to insert a part of the map on the site, limited by the border of any country?
For example, you need to insert a map of France on the site without the surrounding countries, but so that the functionality of the maps remains.

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5 answer(s)
Andrey, 2012-01-31

See how it's done here: maps.forum.nu/gm_texas.html

digdream, 2012-02-01

If it's not about google maps, then you can also take into account the jquery plugin: plugindetector.com/jvector-map

cat_crash, 2012-01-31

If only to find a card "limited by the border of any country"

vart, 2012-01-31

It is possible to paint over parts of the map in google maps, something like this code: If necessary. you can use fillOpacity not to completely paint over, but only to darken a part. Next, you need the borders of the country to create a landfill, I won’t say exactly where you can get them. For example, state boundaries are here www.google.com/fusiontables/DataSource?dsrcid=210217 , once on geocoding.cloudmade.com it was possible to get the boundaries of objects through their API, it definitely worked for cities, maybe it works for countries.
var regionCoords0 = [
new google.maps.LatLng(@point0.lat,@point0.lon),
new google.maps.LatLng(@point0.lat,@point0.lon),
new google.maps.LatLng(@point0.lat,@point0.lon),
regionPolyhon0 = new google.maps.Polygon({
paths: regionCoords0,
strokeColor: "rgb(60,60,15)",
strokeOpacity: 0.80,
strokeWeight: 2,
fillColor: "rgb(80,80,25)",
fillOpacity: 0.50

Alexander, 2012-02-01

Thanks for answers.
As we start working on the project, we will try to implement all kinds of methods.

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