Dobryiaczek2021-06-13 13:22:42
Dobryiaczek, 2021-06-13 13:22:42

Can this device burn out?

I have DMZH, I need compresses for the peephole.
I want to order a heated mask, something like this https://aliexpress.ru/item/32957079361.html?spm=a2...

I don't know much about electronics. Tell me, please, can such a device exceed the temperature in the event of some kind of failure? I'm just afraid of getting burned

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3 answer(s)
Armenian Radio, 2021-06-13

This device can not only burn, but naturally kill if the insulation is broken - because in switching power supplies to GND there are already 110 volts from the outlet through the Y-capacitor.
In medical equipment, special power supplies with double insulation are used.
So if you want to play, use the Power Bank

rPman, 2021-06-13

The system of medical certificates and general regulation was created precisely in order to give guarantees as well as insurance against any accident, i.e. if something happens, you can go to the seller and punish him at least financially, receiving compensation and treatment (well, or your relatives in advanced cases).
If you go to 'bab mana from the fifth entrance', 'to the market to a familiar sorceress who has been trading there for a decade' and so on, then no one will punish anyone, which means that the manufacturer and seller will not try hard when checking documents, manufacturing and testing .
Actually, aliexpress is the same bazaar, the maximum that the seller risks is rating and account, which in most cases has much less value than your burnt face, you most likely won’t even be able to fill his face, because far away.
Notice, I'm not talking about technology now, not a word about the device and so on, it should be self-regulating in the presence of a regulator with a domclave sword. That is why the device with aliexpress can be identical to the one in a certified store ...
ps usb gives out very small currents, the heater area is large, even if the pid regulator breaks, I don’t think that this thing will be able to heat up strongly enough and quickly so that you don’t have time to remove it. But be attentive to the power supply, if it shorts out, it can supply all 220v to the heater, but this is already bad.

lonelymyp, 2021-06-14

If you set it on fire it will surely burn.
Well, in general, you should not worry, a burn can only be obtained if you are in an insensible state, because. when overheated, it will first of all hurt and you will wake up.

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