AllGrit2011-02-02 17:35:32
open source
AllGrit, 2011-02-02 17:35:32

Can the LGPL be used as a library in a commercial product without opening the product code?

What should be the link? Static or necessarily dynamic? Whether to supply the text of the LGPL license. I read the license itself, based on this answer, that the LGPL dynamic linking allows you to keep your code closed. But I want to be safe, so I'm asking you! Thank you very much, after all, licenses are a delicate moment ...

And also, do I understand correctly that there is no way to get around the GPL in order to use it in some form, but not to open your own codes? Or anyone have any ideas? Thank you!

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3 answer(s)
MikhailEdoshin, 2011-02-02

As far as I understand, with the LGPL, linking must be dynamic (so that the user can replace the library if desired), the license must be included, and it will be necessary to indicate where the library sources are or include a written obligation to provide them upon request.
With the GPL, all code must be under the GPL and the code needs to be open sourced (or as above given a commitment). It is usually noted that you are obliged to open the code only to the one with whom you are bound by the terms of the license, that is, to the one to whom you supply the finished product.

Konstantin Vlasov, 2011-02-02

Linking must be dynamic. In fact, all code of those modules that are written using the LGPL code is subject to publication. Static linking injects code directly into a module, so it also falls into this category.
The GPL can be used in closed projects if the communication between components does not occur by loading into the process address space, but, for example, by running the GPL program as a separate process and communicating with it through pipes. There is just one more subtle point about distributing such a combined product: a GPL program cannot be combined in the same package with a proprietary one, unless it is an aggregate (a set of separate, unrelated software packages that users will work with independently; for example, a collection for publication on CD). But the difference between two independent programs and one two-part program is often too subtle and vague.
I recommend reading the GPL FAQ .

AllGrit, 2011-02-02

So let's sum up. In order not to open our codes, we:
1) Use the LGPL of dynamic linking
2) Use a separate application on any (?) license and interact with it as an external application
3) The GPL can be used in closed projects if the connection between components does not occur through loading into the address space of the process, but, for example, by running a GPL program as a separate process and communicating with it through pipes.
4) We use the BSD license
, correct me if I'm wrong, thanks!

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