nervep2016-09-28 12:26:47
Network administration
nervep, 2016-09-28 12:26:47

Can't decide on hosting! What to choose, FastComet vs SiteGround?

Now my sites are hosted on HC.ru. Everything is ok, but very bad server response time.
Google Page Insights pointed this out directly, GTMetrix also shows bad site loading times.
After reading a sea of ​​​​reviews, reviews and ratings, I settled on SiteGround or FastComet.
The second one has good conditions and an excellent pre-sale support, but I met reviews on a couple of sites that their sites often fall and a bad support after. SiteGround seems to just be praised very much everywhere.
Tell me, where is it better to migrate, does anyone have experience with these hostings?
I will host 4 sites on WordPress, without e-commerce yet. So far, there are no more than 10 thousand visitors per month.
Key visitors from USA/Canada/Australia
Thank you all!

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2 answer(s)
sim3x, 2016-09-28

Ask for a trial period
Look at their resource guarantees Test the
metrics that are important to you

Puma Thailand, 2016-09-28

You will have a bad response time on any hosting, you didn’t even try to find out why it’s bad, for example, your code wants an extra million cycles and you change the hosting, it’s like cutting off a cold patient’s leg just in case, God’s runny nose will pass

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