charbet2017-10-21 17:14:35
Network administration
charbet, 2017-10-21 17:14:35

How can I connect to my server from another computer?

There is a simple python server running over the TCP protocol, accepting requests and returning responses to them. Is it possible to connect to it from another computer through the console? If possible, how?

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1 answer(s)
Andrey, 2017-10-21

apparently you do not understand at all how addressing works in tcp / ip.
without this knowledge, it makes no sense to take on anything higher.
read what an ip-address, port, netmask, routing table are, what all this is for and how to work with it.
things are really easy. and when you understand them, the answer to your question will become obvious.
and the easiest way to connect for the test is telnet, as you've already been told.

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