Rodion Bizyaev2018-12-24 14:12:51
Rodion Bizyaev, 2018-12-24 14:12:51

Bootstrap - what is it, and what is its essence?

Good afternoon! Interested in a topic related to Bootstrap.
What is it, if explained in simple terms? What are the opportunities and why do most vacancies imply his knowledge?
I’m good friends with Google, but I don’t find an answer in a nutshell what it gives.
As I understand it, you can work directly in it, and someone simply integrates its scripts into the code and works further.

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4 answer(s)
Maxim Timofeev, 2018-12-24

Any framework is a set of ready-made frequently used methods, blanks, etc. Its goal is to reduce development time. It already implements what is most often used.
Bootstrap is a css framework + some commonly used js solutions.
game. You can work with or without it. You can use it in different ways. You can connect the whole, you can collect only what is required in parts through the assemblers (do not go deep into this yet, use the simple option).

iBird Rose, 2018-12-24

Bootstrap is a css framework.
In a nutshell - it contains the basic css rules that make layout easier.
Those. to create a site with 3 columns, you do not need to build css styles and create these columns yourself, but just write

<div class="row">
      <div class="col-md-4"></div>
      <div class="col-md-4"></div>
      <div class="col-md-4"></div>

without a single style in css.
Well, you can also go through the remote elements of the bootstrap components. such as ready-made modals, dropdowns, tabs, etc.

OnYourLips, 2018-12-24

A framework is a framework that defines a particular style of work.
And the point here is not even the amount of time that you need to spend on doing something similar to yourself (and it is simply colossal), but its well-known, documented and the presence of a huge community.

Sanes, 2018-12-24

Think of it as HTML/CSS template.

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