Kuti2016-07-03 13:30:54
Search Engine Optimization
Kuti, 2016-07-03 13:30:54

Best way to redirect from home page?

What is the best way to redirect users from the main page of the site? For example: a user enters the main page and is redirected to /menu/pizzas . What redirect codes to use (301, 302...)? Or is there a prettier method? JS do not offer

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2 answer(s)
Dmitry, 2016-07-03

one of them is a temporary redirect, the other is a permanent one.
For search engines, there is almost no difference.
if you use a permanent redirect, there is a small but significant nuance.
this redirect can be cached permanently on the client side in the browser and will be redirected from that link constantly.
if you later change your mind and need to redirect to another location, you will be in for a nasty surprise.

Sergey, 2016-07-03

And can you clarify why you need to transfer from the main to the internal? Maybe I don't fully understand the question.

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