ColdSpirit2017-05-12 12:29:47
Regular Expressions
ColdSpirit, 2017-05-12 12:29:47

Autohotkey - why doesn't Regexp search work?

I'm trying to get a similar example from the documentation to work, but after running nothing happens. I can't understand why. What's my mistake?

SetTitleMatchMode RegEx
Run, Notepad.exe
Sleep 500
winactivate "^.*Блокнот.*$"
WinWaitActive "^.*Блокнот.*$"
MsgBox Activated

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1 answer(s)
ColdSpirit, 2017-05-12

Found the answer.
1. Cyrillic file encoding must be ANSI.
2. Quotes need to be removed, it doesn't work with quotes

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