korsukn2015-05-28 12:57:42
korsukn, 2015-05-28 12:57:42

Should I upgrade to Yosemite 10.10.3?

macbook pro retina 15" (late 2013); model id: MacBookPro11,2
Long waited and not updated due to Yosemite issues. Macbook owners, how are things with 10.10.3, is it worth upgrading from Mavericks? are there any lags in the interface?

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6 answer(s)
dodo512, 2018-07-17

$re = '~(?:<img[^>]*?src="/public/uploads/img_articles/[^"]*"[^>]*>\s*){2,}~';
preg_match_all($re, $str, $matches);

Dmitry Dart, 2018-07-17

1. Let's say this: https://regex101.com/r/iqcqo4/1
2. It is advisable to check this separately

preg_match_all('/src=\"\/public\/uploads\//ism', ...)
two matches

Vladimir Morozov, 2015-05-28

Everything works well, more stable and faster.

Rishat Kadyrov, 2015-05-28

10.10.4 is coming soon, wait for it, there will definitely be no problems there (since they brought back the mDNSResponder from Maverick)

Lesha Kiselev, 2015-05-28

Macbook pro 13 retina mid 14, there are problems with Wi-Fi, but very rarely. It happens that it does not find the network, while other devices see it. Otherwise, I did not see any problems.

Jacob, 2015-05-28

There are also problems with the waffle on the macmini - it does not rise after sleep. 10.10.3. But rarely. Solved by opening Wi-Fi and launching an assistant.

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