Andrew7612017-12-07 17:05:13
Andrew761, 2017-12-07 17:05:13

Are focal lengths listed on lenses always for full frame?

An internet search turned up a soapy picture. There is a Canon 18-55 EF-S kit lens. I want to understand whether it is truly like this on my crop, or I still need to multiply by 1.6.

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2 answer(s)
Egor Padalka, 2017-12-07

The focal length is the physical size of the lens, it exists separately from matrices and films.
And in order for you to add up the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe visible field through this lens on your matrix - multiply by the crop factor of your matrix.

Victor Ghost, 2017-12-11

in general, there is a legend that everything is in Google;)

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