Andrey2017-01-08 20:40:38
Project management
Andrey, 2017-01-08 20:40:38

Annual turnover and profitability in custom web and mobile?

How can you find out the annual turnover and profitability of CIS and Western companies developing websites, mobile applications on order, working mainly for the Western market?
What are their annual turnover and average profit?
I tried to find any statistics on the Internet, but could not.
I only know from familiar companies that the profitability is around 30% in the web and mobile.
One company had a turnover of $ 900K per year with a staff of 40 people. The other one is quite small, the staff is 7 people, the turnover is about $50K. Companies from the CIS work on the web and mobile for the CIS market.
Who to share figures or sources?
Or let's sketch together data from our own sources. There will be at least some direction.
P.S. You can share other figures regarding business automation, the Internet of things, etc.

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5 answer(s)
Vladimir Borutkin, 2017-01-08

No one publicly posts such information, if you want to receive it - personal acquaintances with top managers, as an option, attend conferences, or better not just attend, but swell with the tops after these very conferences) the way is working.
And the statement "30%" is not very close to the truth, profitability is very individual for each company - it depends on business processes , direction , level of service , market segment that the company occupies.
Small companies riveting a site can reach a profitability of 70% and they are fine.
A large company can make a huge project with a profitability of 5% and it will also be fine.

malbaron, 2017-01-11

Let's compare "Horns and Hooves" with MS.
What is the average turnover???
Who is a "medium company"???
Joint-stock companies, which a priori are not typical small companies, are required to publish information.
For the rest - on the contrary, it is even close to a trade secret.
One company had a turnover of $ 900K per year with a staff of 40 people. The other one is quite small, the staff is 7 people, the turnover is about $50K. Companies from the CIS work on the web and mobile for the CIS market.
And Trello, where there are only about 100 people, was recently bought for $0.5 billion.
It's all incomparable.

Sanes, 2017-01-09

One company had a turnover of $ 900K per year with a staff of 40 people. The other one is quite small, the staff is 7 people, the turnover is about $50K. Companies from the CIS work on the web and mobile for the CIS market.

А я знаю одного сантехника, который к 40 годам построил себе дом по цене трешки в центре Москвы и имеет пару автомобилей класса E.
Обычный сантехник, бригада 3 человека.
От человека зависит. Сумеешь хорошо договориться, выполнить работу и не просадить заработанное в банном комплексе?

Тим, 2017-01-19

I am familiar with a dozen owners who hold outsource-outstaff companies (Ukraine, Belarus). With a staff of 30-100 people, the net profit is from 5 to 20% of the profit. Most of all arrive with a smaller number of employees, since the more employees, the greater the cost of offices, vacations and maintaining software and services in an adequate form. The income of an average outsourcer of 30-50 people in mobile and web is about 1-2 million per year with a rate of $25-30 / h. The average load for programmers is 60-80%, that is, 40-20% is always idle and waiting for new ones projects / stick anywhere.

aol-nnov, 2017-01-08

rule number zero of doing IT business in Russia. :)

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