Herald_From_Syria2020-09-19 17:03:59
android studio
Herald_From_Syria, 2020-09-19 17:03:59

Android Studio | How to make a folder with general settings and VM?

There is a fleet of machines (educational institution), all are in the domain. When AS is started, the AS folder is created for each user in the profile and the download of the resources necessary for operation + virtual machine begins. It takes up a lot of space both on the disk of the local machine and in the user's profile. In other words, a similar situation arises with software from Jetbrains (for example, when IDEA is launched, the .idea<something> folder is created, which on average weighs 200mb)

Is it possible to somehow fit everything in one folder outside of 'C:\users\% User%\' so that when launched by different users, AS will contact it for settings and resources?

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