Innokenty Ivanov2016-12-11 18:17:01
Innokenty Ivanov, 2016-12-11 18:17:01

Android in virtual machine and remote access to it?

I have a mobile device on Windows, and it would be nice to have an Android smartphone (thanks to Korean banks and companies that praise Windows on PC and Android on mobile phones), but there is no money for a normal device, and the last time I had Android was in the year 2008- ohm. But he came up with a "crutch"!

The virtual machine will have Android, and a Windows smartphone will be a client that will connect to it.

I would make a virtual machine on which a machine with an Android emulator on Visual Studio would spin 24/7, and if anything, it would be possible to connect directly from the Windows phone to the virtual machine. Some application would send notifications from the virtual machine to the Windows smartphone.

1. Tell me where to place such a solution - in the cloud or on your own PC / laptop?
2. Are there ready-made cloud solutions for this business?

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2 answer(s)
oia, 2016-12-11

Remix https://ru.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remix_OS

Rou1997, 2016-12-11

I didn’t quite understand what is still on the target machine - Android or Windows, but of course there are similar solutions, there are servers (VPS), and tools for interacting with them such as "remote desktop" - TeamViewer, VNC, but for which of them there are clients for Windows Phone and what is their quality - did not specify.

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