v- death2015-08-17 17:19:56
v- death, 2015-08-17 17:19:56

Am I making a table with permissions correctly?

Hello. There is a task.
We need to assign rights. When calling the API method, I drag the field from the table and see if 0 then access is closed. If 1 then everything is ok.
The actual table

type UseApi struct {
  KeyId           int    `sql:"AUTO_INCREMENT"                gorm:"primary_key"`
  ApiKey          string `sql:"type:varchar(13)   ;not null"  gorm:"unique_index"`
  ApiAuthRedirekt string `sql:"type:varchar(100)  ;not null"`

  //0 прав нет 1 права есть
  RightsAuth                         int `sql:"type:varchar(1)    ;not null"`
  RightsRegs                         int `sql:"type:varchar(1)    ;not null"`
  RightsBattlesInvasion              int `sql:"type:varchar(1)    ;not null"` //война
  RightsBattlesSanctions             int `sql:"type:varchar(1)    ;not null"`
  RightsBattlesGround                int `sql:"type:varchar(1)    ;not null"`
  RightsMissionsLocation             int `sql:"type:varchar(1)    ;not null"` //мисии
  RightsMissionsHq                   int `sql:"type:varchar(1)    ;not null"`
  RightsUnitsMarket                  int `sql:"type:varchar(1)    ;not null"` //Магазин техники
  RightsBlackmarketMercenaries       int `sql:"type:varchar(1)    ;not null"` //чёрный рынок
  RightsBlackmarketSaboteurs         int `sql:"type:varchar(1)    ;not null"`
  RightsBlackmarketLaboratory        int `sql:"type:varchar(1)    ;not null"`
  RightsBlackmarketContraband        int `sql:"type:varchar(1)    ;not null"`
  RightsBlackmarketDocuments         int `sql:"type:varchar(1)    ;not null"`
  RightsBlackmarketAuction           int `sql:"type:varchar(1)    ;not null"` //Производство
  RightsManufacturingFactory         int `sql:"type:varchar(1)    ;not null"`
  RightsManufacturingMines           int `sql:"type:varchar(1)    ;not null"`
  RightsManufacturingRockets         int `sql:"type:varchar(1)    ;not null"`
  RightsBuildingsProfitable          int `sql:"type:varchar(1)    ;not null"` //постройки
  RightsBuildingsDefense             int `sql:"type:varchar(1)    ;not null"`
  RightsBuildingsEnergy              int `sql:"type:varchar(1)    ;not null"`
  RightsOfficersclubResling          int `sql:"type:varchar(1)    ;not null"` //клуб офицеров
  RightsOfficersclubRoulette         int `sql:"type:varchar(1)    ;not null"`
  RightsOfficersclubSpyInterrogation int `sql:"type:varchar(1)    ;not null"`
  RightsOfficersclubVeteransRiddle   int `sql:"type:varchar(1)    ;not null"`
  RightsOfficersclubWallNewspaper    int `sql:"type:varchar(1)    ;not null"`
  RightsProfileInfo                  int `sql:"type:varchar(1)    ;not null"` //профиль
  RightsProfileSkills                int `sql:"type:varchar(1)    ;not null"`
  RightsProfileAchievements          int `sql:"type:varchar(1)    ;not null"`
  RightsProfileProperty              int `sql:"type:varchar(1)    ;not null"`
  RightsProfileBooty                 int `sql:"type:varchar(1)    ;not null"`
  RightsProfileGifts                 int `sql:"type:varchar(1)    ;not null"`
  RightsProfileVipMode               int `sql:"type:varchar(1)    ;not null"`
  RightsProfileStatistic             int `sql:"type:varchar(1)    ;not null"`
  RightsHalloffameRating             int `sql:"type:varchar(1)    ;not null"` //зал славы
  RightsHalloffameStatistic          int `sql:"type:varchar(1)    ;not null"`
  RightsHalloffameHeroes             int `sql:"type:varchar(1)    ;not null"`
  RightsHalloffameLegions            int `sql:"type:varchar(1)    ;not null"`
  RightsAllianceIndex                int `sql:"type:varchar(1)    ;not null"` //альянс
  RightsAllianceRequests             int `sql:"type:varchar(1)    ;not null"`
  RightsAllianceReferrals            int `sql:"type:varchar(1)    ;not null"`
  RightsAllianceReinforcement        int `sql:"type:varchar(1)    ;not null"`
  RightsAllianceUnderDefense         int `sql:"type:varchar(1)    ;not null"`
  RightsChatPublic                   int `sql:"type:varchar(1)    ;not null"` //чаты
  RightsChatAlliance                 int `sql:"type:varchar(1)    ;not null"`
  RightsChatLegions                  int `sql:"type:varchar(1)    ;not null"`
  RightsChatBootcamp                 int `sql:"type:varchar(1)    ;not null"`
  RightsBankStorage                  int `sql:"type:varchar(1)    ;not null"` // банк
  RightsBankGold                     int `sql:"type:varchar(1)    ;not null"`
  RightsBankСredit                   int `sql:"type:varchar(1)    ;not null"`
  RightsBankExchanger                int `sql:"type:varchar(1)    ;not null"`
  RightsMailIndex                    int `sql:"type:varchar(1)    ;not null"` //почта
  RightsMailWrite                    int `sql:"type:varchar(1)    ;not null"`
  RightsMailContacts                 int `sql:"type:varchar(1)    ;not null"`
  RightsMailIgnore                   int `sql:"type:varchar(1)    ;not null"`
  RightsHospital                     int `sql:"type:varchar(1)    ;not null"` //госпиталь
  RightsNews                         int `sql:"type:varchar(1)    ;not null"` //Новости
  RightsNewsAddCommen                int `sql:"type:varchar(1)    ;not null"`
  RightsdailyBonus                   int `sql:"type:varchar(1)    ;not null"`

She came out very big. Thanks in advance.
Since reading is faster with MyISAM, this type of Pruff table will be used.

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1 answer(s)
Андрей Павленко, 2015-08-17

Плохо, лучше бы просто хранить в отдельной таблице все варианты прав и их соотношения (к примеру, есть поле manageNews, который включает в себя deleteNews, updateNews) и отдельную таблицу для соотношений - какой пользователь имеет какие права.
Пусть это и php-фреймворк, но можно посмотреть пример работы таблицы; заодно в документации можно найти, как все это работает.

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