h0pper12020-01-30 10:21:04
IT education
h0pper1, 2020-01-30 10:21:04

AI, Neural networks, ML - for a student?

Hello everyone, I'm a student, studying in the 10th grade. Recently I became interested in the topic of Data Science and realized that I want to develop in this topic. As it turned out, there are a large number of directions. I’m more inclined towards machine learning and neurons, which are painfully interesting topics. So, where to start? With mathematics + - I'm friends, but at the level of grade 10 :(
I read that much deeper knowledge is needed. What should I do? Go through the school curriculum first, or what? Help!

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5 answer(s)
Sergey Sokolov, 2020-01-30

where to begin?

Create, run, play with a simple neural network to try, understand, feel how it all is.
To do this, most likely, you will need at least an initial knowledge of the Python language. If you haven't encountered it before, take an introductory Python course first.
And choose and take some kind of introductory (video) course on machine learning. Choose:
  • DeepLearning.ai
  • Udacity
  • Coursera
  • Yandex

Space Purr, 2020-01-30

To develop this direction, you definitely need deeper knowledge, and if you yourself want to develop in this direction, it is enough to have a desire to learn.
It is not necessary, for example, to create a simple neural network to determine a handwritten number, to have deep knowledge in mathematics and programming, the guide can be viewed on YouTube, the code can be copied, you can not do a complete analysis of the formulas, but you need to gradually analyze each section of the algorithm over time, otherwise you have to wait until someone writes what you need.
Start now, you'll learn faster.

Sergey Gornostaev, 2020-01-30

Online training for the specialty Data Science from scratch. Which courses to choose?
What are the books on neural networks and AI?

Alexander Skusnov, 2020-01-30

Yesterday there was a webinar on Matlab (from the 2nd minute it was told about different approaches).

dmshar, 2020-01-30

It is necessary to start self-studying in Data Science (as well as on any other serious topic) by learning to INDEPENDENTLY (!!!!!) search for the necessary information on the Internet.
I don’t understand, is it really easier to create a new topic, write a question, wait for an answer, then select the worthwhile ones from them and filter out the slag, than just take and look through the same forum at least for the last month and find a dozen ready-made answers.

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