Raain2021-01-24 19:57:57
Raain, 2021-01-24 19:57:57

Aggregation of wan channels on mikrotik, speed is not summed up?

Good day!

For several days I have been trying to set up the following scheme:

There are 2 providers, with a channel width of 100 Mb / s, there is one local network behind the router.
I'm trying to solve the problem of summing / combining the speed of two providers, i.e. at the output I want to get a speed of +\- 200 mb / s =)

If I understand correctly, PCC technology is suitable for this, I read a bunch of manuals + posts on various forums, however, I can’t survive more than 100 mb / s = (

Configured like this:

/ip firewall mangle

add action=mark-connection chain=input comment=x-ISP1 in-interface=ether4 new-connection-mark=in-ISP1 passthrough=yes
add action=mark-routing chain=prerouting connection-mark=in- ISP1 new-routing-mark=ISP1 passthrough=yes
add action=mark-routing chain=output connection-mark=in-ISP1 new-routing-mark=ISP1 passthrough=yes
add action=mark-routing chain=output new-routing-mark=ISP1 passthrough=yes src-address=195.160 .xx
add action=mark-connection chain=input comment=x-ISP2 in-interface=ether7 new-connection-mark=in-ISP2 passthrough=yes
add action=mark-routing chain=prerouting connection-mark=in-ISP2 new -routing-mark=ISP2 passthrough=yes
add action=mark-routing chain=output connection-mark=in-ISP2 new-routing-mark=ISP2 passthrough=yes
add action=mark-routing chain=output new-routing-mark= ISP2 passthrough=yes src-address=89.109.xx
add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting comment=PCC connection-state=new dst-address-type=!local new-connection-mark=ISP1-conn passthrough=yes \
add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting connection-state=new dst-address-type=!local new-connection-mark=ISP2-conn passthrough= yes \
add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting connection-state=new dst-address-type=!local new-connection-mark=ISP2-conn passthrough=yes \
add action=mark-routing chain=prerouting connection-mark=ISP1-conn in-interface=ether2 new-routing-mark=ISP1 passthrough =yes
add action=mark-routing chain=prerouting connection-mark=ISP2-conn in-interface=ether2 new-routing-mark=ISP2 passthrough=yes

/ip route
add comment=x distance=1 gateway=89.109.xx routing-mark=ISP2
add comment=x distance=1 gateway=195.160.xx routing-mark=ISP1
add check-gateway=ping distance=1 gateway=195.160.xx
add check -gateway=ping distance=2 gateway=89.109.xx

/ip route rule
add src-address=89.109.xx/32 table=to-ISP2
add src-address=195.160.xx/32 table=to-ISP1
add comment=Lan dst-address= table=main
add comment=x routing-mark=ISP1 table=to-ISP1
add comment=x routing-mark=ISP2 table=to-

ISP2 , I can run a separate host through the necessary provider without problems, for example:

/ ip firewall mangle
add action=mark-routing chain=prerouting comment=Test new-routing-mark=ISP1 passthrough=yes src-address=

/ip firewall filter

all rules are disabled for the time of testing

Therefore, I have a few questions for knowledgeable people:

1. In principle, such a topic on summing the speed of channels is possible? =) And did I choose the implementation option correctly?
2. If so, in which direction to dig?

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5 answer(s)
Drno, 2021-01-24

This is impossible in principle. Providers are different, their routes to the end point (site) are different.
You can either make a reserve or force balancing. Mark packets from certain IP addresses of the locale, and then send them to the desired gateway. Second ip addresses of the locale - forward to the gateway of another provider

dagababaev, 2021-01-24

This was possible until the widespread transition to https. I set up two providers with 4G and there was a speed increase (not x2 of course, but there was), but it was a long time ago and https sites did not work with this technology, because your request arrives all the time from a different ip. Also, Google didn’t work for sure - it’s completely and permanent captcha
PS game is not worth the candle

nApoBo3, 2021-01-25

With nat, without using an external server with a double channel, this is not possible.
Link aggregation in this case will work correctly for several clients, i.e. your total channel is aggregated, but for each client the maximum speed in the general case is one channel. For some cases, the speed can be increased, but this is not a trivial task applicable not for all protocols.

Andrey Barbolin, 2021-01-25

> I read a bunch of manuals + posts on various forums, however, I can’t survive more than 100 mb / s . Did
you read it exactly? Judging by the config, you just copied without understanding how it works.

add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting comment=PCC connection-state=new dst-address-type=!local new-connection-mark=ISP1-conn passthrough=yes \
per-connection-classifier=both-addresses-and- ports:3/0
add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting connection-state=new dst-address-type=!local new-connection-mark=ISP2-conn passthrough=yes \
per-connection-classifier=both-addresses- and-ports:3/1
add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting connection-state=new dst-address-type=!local new-connection-mark=ISP2-conn passthrough=yes \
per-connection-classifier=both- addresses-and-ports:3/2

Explain to me why you have three rules when there are 2 providers? As a result of this setting, microt loads one of the providers 2 times more.
On the video, the speaker clearly says one connection through one provider.
In the classifier, you specify on what basis to balance the traffic.
In this example, sourceIP:PORT - destIP:PORT, if none of these parameters changes during data transfer, then the connection will go through only one provider.
To balance traffic and utilize two channels, both the server and the client must support multithreading using different ports.

Gregory, 2021-01-25

PCC stands for balancing between channels. in the video above at 23:32 and 29:25, he explains this

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