Nolphie2021-05-05 22:56:02
Career in IT
Nolphie, 2021-05-05 22:56:02

After the army in BackEnd. How to be and what to do?

Habravchane, I really need a hint.
The situation is this: I’m 22, I just got out of the army, I studied at the shipbuilding department (where I ended up purely by chance, because I didn’t get to the desired faculty in IT), but then family problems forced me to go to work, my studies began to leave to the background, and I really didn’t like the direction itself. As a result, I decided to join the army in order to cut down this tail of military duty and then calmly follow the desired path: work and learn the backend, gradually striving to get my first job in the IT field and develop further.

I decided not to go down the IT road casually, there is an interest and a desire to develop in this. As a hobby, I first tinkered with lazarus at the age of 13, then delphi, and before the army I began to study databases working with PostgreSQL .
I'm aiming at BackEnd , namely to start learning Python . He is quite accustomed to self-study.

So to the point. How should one learn backend and learn Python in general?
Advise courses, videos and, most importantly, literature, because there is knowledge and some skills, but they are not systematized, so I really need literature with the theory that a backender needs. It is possible even for beginners, the army still did its job.

And in general I will be glad to listen to the advice and stories of those who themselves go through / went through a similar thorny path.

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4 answer(s)
mkone112, 2021-05-05

The alignment is as follows: a python is a cool and sought-after thing, but for the device you need to be a ready-made jun, i.e. come in, sort it out for a week and start closing tasks, the number of vacancies for trainee -> 0. In order to achieve this, it may take several years. On the other hand, I have repeatedly come across vacancies in Java, Php, Bitrix with a purely symbolic salary (up to 30 thousand), where they really take with minimal knowledge. But if you have 3 years left, python is a good choice.

Puma Thailand, 2021-05-06

Books to read

Sergey Gornostaev, 2021-05-06

Just pick up Lutz's "Learning Python" tutorial, and read in full while experimenting with the examples in the book. Be sure to type examples yourself, and not copy. Be sure to try and modify them to make sure you really understand how they work. Then repeat this with the Django guide . It is also desirable to read something on databases, the basics of networks and working in Linux. After reading, try to bomb a pet project using the technologies you learned.
If you get stuck somewhere, re-read the relevant chapters, read the official documentation, search for answers in Google. In no case do not carry your problem to other people until you have spent at least a couple of days searching for a solution. If someone else gives you the answers, you will not learn how to program.
And don't use an IDE during the learning phase. Use a regular text editor and console. Firstly, the IDE saves you from routine operations, but it is routine operations that allow you to fill your hand. Secondly, the IDE hides many processes, performing them for the programmer, but it is they that allow you to understand the basic principles.

lil.fxrrx, 2021-05-05

Of course, for the backend, it's better to learn Django in Python, or try to master php (css, html is also for python) It's
never too late, dude

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