Vladimir Alekseev2017-09-28 10:12:36
Vladimir Alekseev, 2017-09-28 10:12:36

Advice for a web project in Java?

Good afternoon, this question is frequent and relevant, but still I have not found an answer yet, I decided to contact you. I have a task to develop a test project using all modern technologies in java, for a period of 3 months.
One of the ideas was to create a blog / forum with user authorization, where you can ask questions, and publish your stories, and also leave comments under the posts under them.
There are ideas for creating a to do list that will store tasks, goals, achievements, somehow motivate, with a smart thought / quote generation button.
There is an idea of ​​creating a small online store or a specific product.
I lean more towards the first or second option, since there is not much experience in creating blogs in PHP. Question for connoisseurs is it possible to implement a blog or to do list in java.
I ask for more advice than ideas, but if there are tips, I will gladly read them.
Thank you, do not kick much, I write for the first time.

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1 answer(s)
Frozen Coder, 2017-09-28

Java is not written for blogs, and not for online stores. Enterprise applications are written in java.
And this often implies some kind of automation of business processes, workflow. Something like that. Those. transferring the work of a certain institution, company from pieces of paper and running around in the physical world into electronic document management.
Warehouse work. Goods, warehouse magazines, receipts, write-offs and other delights.
Bank work. Currency, all sorts of deposits and loans, etc. etc.
The work of a car repair shop, parking, bakery, canteen, police station, honey. point, etc., etc.
Some directory-registry-library-catalog of some composite records from various other records, which also have some records with the possibility of adding, deleting, merging, editing under the conditions of that phase of the moon, the weather outside the window and your mood .
Even better, if this case will be integrated with some other system or registry, via REST or SOAP.
Take Spring, as they say, it rules and beeps in this enterprise world. More precisely Spring-Boot, SpringData, SpringSecurity, etc.
Here is a project generation service for you to get started:
For examples, see the implementation of the classic PetClinic:
Also, spring has excellent docks and a lot of examples all over the network.
For tests, take Spock or Junit (I prefer Junit + Kotlin). For ui tests, you can Geb - it is very similar to Spock.

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