Konstantin B.2022-04-20 21:12:17
Konstantin B., 2022-04-20 21:12:17

Advantages/Disadvantages of using Next.js instead of other SSR implementations for a React.js app?

It is planned to migrate the current site to React. A prerequisite for the transfer is SSR pages. The site is large with frequently changing dynamic data. I had to work with SSR in Nuxt.js, I had no such experience with React / Next.js, I only wrote SPA

I would like to know what are the pitfalls when using these solutions

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1 answer(s)
wonderingpeanut, 2022-04-21

Of the other implementations I know of, only Gatsby and vite-plugin-ssr. I can’t say anything for gatsby, because I didn’t work. vite-plugin-ssr is an interesting thing, it allows you to flexibly manage everything you want in the application. Next.js is the so-called. opionated decision, i.e. for you already figured out how the application should be built.
If you compare vite-plugin-ssr and Next.js, then it's like arch linux (vite-plugin-ssr) and ios (next.js).
For commercial projects, I always used next.js, because it's easier and faster.
As far as I know, gatsby pregenerates pages (SSG), while next supports both pregeneration (ssg), on-demand generation (ssr), and even static regeneration (isr)
Next does not have any special pitfalls.

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