gltrinix2012-06-14 20:21:37
IT education
gltrinix, 2012-06-14 20:21:37

Admission to graduate school - which crust is better?

I apologize in advance that it is not on the subject of the site, but it is very important for me to know the opinion of experts.
Now I have a choice of where to go to graduate school. The choice is your university, or the Russian Academy of Sciences. Therefore, I wanted to ask the Khabrovites who are enlightened in this matter - does it make sense to go to the Russian Academy of Sciences (is it so prestigious and more useful later in life) than to go to your university?
Let me explain that studying at the Russian Academy of Sciences will be inconvenient from all sides (duration of study, lack of housing, wages ...), so I wonder if the game is worth the candle?

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7 answer(s)
AlekseyPolyakov, 2012-06-14

The crust has no weight, it just has to be. What matters is what's in your head. If knowledge and the desire to learn more is good, but if it is empty, then the crust will be useless.

Vitaly Yushkevich, 2012-06-14

To Europe for a PhD. Quoted still higher.
(Sorry for a similar answer already). A lot of options.
Yes, and more. If you really want to do science, then in Europe you will really do it.

ZloiZmei, 2012-06-15

Where they defended themselves, in the future, I think it will not matter much. The requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission are the same for everyone, there is no need for unnecessary difficulties. Correctly advised above, go where:
1) where you will find an understanding scientist; treat you loyally;
3) where there is a graduate school / competition and an academic council of a suitable specialization
. In general, it is possible to defend oneself even without graduate school, and in general it is never too late.
Advice from a newly approved candidate: I feel sorry for the time spent on graduate school. Work or mind your own business. Gather a base for work, write articles, speak at conferences. When there is a basis of the “brick” and articles, go to your university as an applicant / graduate student, for reliability, you can register as an assistant for 0.5 rates. No one bothers graduate students to come to the defense ahead of schedule.
Do not connect study / scientific work / teaching with earnings for life. Only doctor-professors reach the average salary in the region, and this is still 10-15 years after the candidate's one. As the saying goes, “there are no cookies there, only lu-li and endless meaningless reports”
For me, the ideal option is your own business. I teach because I like it and for useful connections.

Gregory, 2012-06-14

Your question is nonsense.
The duration of postgraduate studies, both at the university and at the Russian Academy of Sciences, is determined by law and is 3 or 4 years (full-time and part-time). With housing, everything is fine, if you agree and get a 0.1 rate, then they will give you a hostel (maybe even as a graduate student, without a rate). About the salary in general heresy. As a graduate student, you will receive a scholarship. You can additionally work in another place and get a normal money. And you can work there as a research assistant. You will have a salary (yes, a small one) plus what you earn from grants. There are many advantages to being a research assistant, as well as disadvantages, respectively.
You can talk about graduate school for a long time, so if you have questions, ask in a personal message - I will definitely answer.
Is it worth the candle - decide why you need a degree, and then draw conclusions

Sergey Lerg, 2012-06-14

There is also an option to study abroad as a postgraduate student.

AndreiYemelianov, 2012-06-15

It makes sense to go where: 1) there is a graduate school in the specialty you are interested in; 2) you can find a competent supervisor who understands your issues; 3) there is a dissertation council where you can defend yourself in your specialty.
Contact universities / research institutes that meet the above requirements, read dissertations that are defended there and try to communicate with people who work there. I think you will be able to collect the necessary information.
Do not neglect advice about foreign countries. First, try to find out what is being done on your subject abroad and what are the conditions for admission to a PhD.
If you have any questions - write in a personal, I will try to answer. Good luck!

eskofen, 2012-06-19

From personal experience I can say that the scientist plays a big role. The more active he is, the better you will be. Keep in mind that you will need to make a minimum of 3 publications, so it makes sense to compare the h-index for prospective leaders here (it's trite to compare the average number of publications per year and in which journals). The more publications you have, the easier it is to write a dissertation and the fewer questions you will have from VAK. The main thing is not to go to the old farts, otherwise you can get stuck at any moment.

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