brar2019-08-27 17:46:50
brar, 2019-08-27 17:46:50

A set for working with enhanced EDS?

Advise, please, a provider of enhanced EDS for trouble-free work in Linux, in particular in Archlinux.

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3 answer(s)
irishmann, 2019-08-27

Definitely CryptoPro

Ronald McDonald, 2019-08-27

Altovtsy had something heaped up: https://www.altlinux.org/%D0%AD%D0%9F
Well, CryptoPRO: https://cryptoarm.ru/kak-nastroit-utility-po-rabot...

Vladimir, 2019-08-28

Plus to the previous speaker, and since we are talking about enhanced qualified, then without knowing your background, I will assume that you need to choose between Russian Linux with FSTEC / FSB certificates.

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