HAbRAhabp2016-01-26 19:01:05
HAbRAhabp, 2016-01-26 19:01:05

A pattern for a mobile phone?

Help compose a regular expression for a mobile phone with +. Everything I searched on Google doesn't work. I try like this:

if (preg_match('^\+\d{7,15}$', $_GET['num'])) echo 'ok';
else echo 'error';

if (preg_match("/^\+\d{7,15}$/", $_GET['num'])) echo 'ok';
else echo 'error';

I get in the first case error and warning
Warning: preg_match(): No ending delimiter '^' found
, in the second error

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1 answer(s)
Eugene, 2016-01-26

In php, you need to wrap the regular expression in paired characters


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