Ruslan Khoroshkevich2015-04-30 06:32:56
Search Engine Optimization
Ruslan Khoroshkevich, 2015-04-30 06:32:56

A lot of links lead to one page, why is it bad?

There is a product card. The user can get to it in different ways.
As a result, it turns out that several links lead to one product card. What's wrong with promotion?
I heard that search engines do not like this behavior. Is this true and why?

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2 answer(s)
Alexey Lazutin, 2015-04-30

If the links are placed for natural movement, the visitor can navigate through them himself and get where he needs to go. For example, notice in the text or through some kind of navigation element. So there is nothing wrong.
Thinking about whether it is bad or good, first of all, you should think about the usefulness for the visitor.

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