Andrew2016-07-27 17:13:42
Zend Framework
Andrew, 2016-07-27 17:13:42

Zend Framework 1. How to insert google recaptcha 2 via Zend_Form?

Hello. There was a problem with inserting recaptcha, unfortunately there is no new recaptcha in the standard methods, only the old one.
I tried this manual https://packagist.org/packages/cgsmith/zf1-recaptcha-2
But the controller starts to swear

$this->view->addHelperPath(APPLICATION_PATH . '/../vendor/cgsmith/zf1-recaptcha-2/src/Cgsmith/View/Helper', 'Cgsmith\\View\\Helper\\');

Writes that there are no such methods for view. Could this be due to the fact that smart is being used? Not very strong in the deep aspects of zend...
Although I think that the rest will also not be very successful.
I ask for help to understand the situation and finally put this recaptcha. I will be grateful.

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