Nikolai Gromov2017-04-28 10:00:45
Zend Framework
Nikolai Gromov, 2017-04-28 10:00:45

How to pull an object out of a loop?

I have a loop and I need to get the value of the $queries variable out of it, without changing it. Because this variable contains the paginator object and it should not be subject to any changes.

$categoryId = $this->params()->fromRoute('id', -1);   
        $cat = $this->entityManager->getRepository(Category::class)
        if ($cat == null) {
        } else { 
            foreach ($cat as $c){
                $queries = $this->entityManager->getRepository(Products::class)

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1 answer(s)
Shirshov Alexander, 2017-05-22

Speak humanly what you need.
Do you need to change the scope of the $queries variable? Above the loop add $queries = null;
In this form, after the array is iterated, the reference to the last result will remain in the variable.
If you need a "paginator object" for all categories, then this is not at all the case.
If you need a "paginator object" for one category, then look for one and not all children
. An object that the paginator understands, not a Doctrine CollectionInterface by any chance?

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