Ilya bow2016-05-18 22:33:43
Ilya bow, 2016-05-18 22:33:43

You need to connect to a windows computer via the Internet. There is access (admin) only to the console. And I want gnu. How to do it?

The situation is the following. there are windows behind NAT. There is access to the windows console (admin rights). NAT can not be touched. I want to have access to graphic programs or even have my own desktop.
In general, tell the softin what or some other smart idea throw.

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3 answer(s)
Aleksandr, 2016-05-18

Делайте проброс порта через NAT и дальше - RDP
UPD: если NAT трогать нельзя, но поиметь рабочий стол очень хочется - попробуйте TeamViewer или HAMACHI

Rick, 2016-05-18

TeamViewer, AmmyAdmin, VPN.

vreitech, 2016-05-20

if you want gnu - install reactos. once a new version came out.

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