asmerdev2014-06-05 01:07:08
asmerdev, 2014-06-05 01:07:08

Yii2 - how to make an empty project?

Never used other people's frameworks. For 2 years he moved away from the web in favor of C ++, as a result, the self-written frame is outdated. Now for the project on the pluses, a web admin panel is needed. I decided not to make a bike, but to take it ready. Put. As a result, I see a standard site. But how can I make an empty project?

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2 answer(s)
Sergey, 2014-06-05

This is the empty project. The core of Yii2 has twitter bootstrap built into it. If you want to avoid displaying it on the site, then in SiteController remove the methods that call views/layouts/main and views/site/...
Well, remove the views themselves. If the bootstrap is not needed, then it must be overridden by Assets

phpnt, 2015-03-06

Creating a simple Yii2 "Hello WORLD!!!" application

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