Cerebrumlab2016-09-06 09:08:58
Cerebrumlab, 2016-09-06 09:08:58

Yii2 empty array via sqldataprovider what is the reason?

Good afternoon everyone! help someone with what you can))
Actually, the problem is this through sql data provider I make a request (in phpmyadmin everything is correct) in yii2 returns an empty array
public function getBeforeArticles($n)
return new SqlDataProvider([
'sql'=>"select * from ( select * from Articles where id <= :id ORDER BY id DESC) ar LIMIT :n",
'params' =>['id' => [$this->id],'n'=> [$n]], ]);
Perhaps my solution is fundamentally wrong, but so far I have not found another, the task is to get materials whose id is less than the current one by $ n

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1 answer(s)
Andrew, 2016-09-06

I don't quite understand the problem, but if

the task is to get materials whose id is less than the current one by $n
then you can use the Articles model:
$current_id = $this->id;
$n = 10;
$articles = Articles::find()
->where(['<', 'id', ($current_id - $n)])
->orderBy('id DESC')
->limit(10) // Не понятно как у вас там должен лимит работать, пусть будет 10

foreach($articles as $article) {
    echo $article->id;

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