Kolya Vantukh2017-01-26 14:48:21
Kolya Vantukh, 2017-01-26 14:48:21

Yii2 class not found. how to fix?

I downloaded the widget through composer from github. The widget is placed in the vendor folder
When trying to connect the widget, it gives an error Here is the code for connecting the widget
Class 'vkolya\poll\myPoll' not found

use vkolya\poll\myPoll;

echo myPoll::widget([
    'visualization' => 'PieChart',
        'pullName' => 'Do yoasdu wanna ?',
            'diagrammsOptions' => array(title => 'My Dailsdy Activity',
                    height => 300,
                    width => 450,

myPoll class
namespace vkolya\poll;

class myPoll extends Widget {
   //some code..

The code editor itself sees this class and successfully switches to it, but the browser swears. What's the matter ?

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1 answer(s)
Abdula Magomedov, 2017-01-26

here, if I'm not mistaken, the path must match the namespace.
"psr-4": { "vkolya\\poll\\": "" }

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