devilsD2016-01-22 17:11:59
devilsD, 2016-01-22 17:11:59

Yii How to correctly form criteria For the HAS_MANY connection?

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Good afternoon. There is a POST model. And there is a model category_r In the last 3 columns: id, Post_id, category_id.
I need to make a selection of posts where category_id is equal to 1 and 2 for example. HERE are my criteria:

$criteria->condition = 'category.category_id=2 AND category.category_id=1';

Gives an error in the sql query, If you add $criteria->together = true;Then returns an empty model. With one condition, for example
criteria->condition = 'category.category_id=2' - тут все отлично.

Please tell me how to implement it

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