ivan-el2015-09-30 14:09:51
ivan-el, 2015-09-30 14:09:51

Yandex.Maps (API v.2) - how to get data on regions added to the map?

Suppose regions have been added to the map, as follows:

ymaps.regions.load('RU', {
    lang: 'ru',
    quality: 1
}).then(function (result) {
    var regions = result.geoObjects;

How do I then get this data by region (get to them), already OUTSIDE this function? In particular, we need to iterate over each region in a loop:
regions.each(function (reg) {
  if (reg.properties.get('name') == 'Какой-то регион') {

How can I get regions? I tried constructions like myMap.geoObjects.regions, with a finger to the sky.
Thank you.

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1 answer(s)
Nicholas, 2015-10-01

The method is used to traverse the collection of GeoObjects
Inside the method, you can already check if the current object is a region and perform the desired action.
This is not very convenient if there are a lot of objects on the map.
An alternative would be to add all regions to a separate layer:
To do this, a new object of type geoObjectCollection is created, all regions are added to it.
After that, we simply call the each method and get only the regions. Method information:
geoObjectCollection yandex maps api

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