Alexander Fedotov2017-05-25 21:34:10
Alexander Fedotov, 2017-05-25 21:34:10

Would you be interested in a MySQL proxy with a web interface for viewing queries?

On duty, you very often have to look for bugs (including at the database level), see what queries ORM generates, and so on. I tried to find a convenient tool - something is hopelessly outdated (Neor SQL), and in my opinion, something is simply inconvenient to use (I'm talking about mysql-proxy). Therefore, I made such a project for myself and decided to put it in public, all of a sudden it will be useful to someone. I have a question for you - would you be interested in using such a thing?

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3 answer(s)
Tokenchik, 2017-05-25

Very similar to the standard debugger in yii2, you can also see what requests have been generated.
What are your benefits?0431b34ee14d4aa989c4bbe04ea73f4d.JPG

Ivan, 2017-05-25

Usually, the functions of the ORM itself are enough, so it's only interesting in terms of load.

romy4, 2017-05-25

Quite a useful tool at the development stage.

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