offyura2014-09-08 15:15:40
offyura, 2014-09-08 15:15:40

Working with cifs on Ubuntu 14.04. How to properly mount to work with Mercurial?

I add the following line to /etc/fstab

//ip_host/yury /mnt/dev cifs uid=yury,username=***,password=***,iocharset=utf8,sec=ntlm 0 1

Everything looks good at first glance. The disk is mounted when the system boots. Files are edited, commits go through. But when it comes to hg pull, it throws 255 error - "I / O error":
[email protected]:/mnt/dev/dir$ hg pull -verbose
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прервано: Input/output error

With the fstab configuration, it seems that I have already tried everything that Google offers ...

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