Alexander Astashov2016-01-14 17:28:42
Alexander Astashov, 2016-01-14 17:28:42

Wordpress with different profiles?

I'm interested in the question, is there a ready-made solution in the form of a plug-in or something else to implement "different" types of registration and, accordingly, different profiles / capabilities, etc.?
For example:
As in banks, for legal entities and individuals.
Or like on job search sites, for "employers" or for "job seekers"?
It would be interesting for the project to realize such an idea that some "legal" users could post their ads, while the rest of the "physical" users could only view and order their goods.
Thank you very much in advance!

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1 answer(s)
keeiyo, 2016-01-14

Alternatively, you can make a custom registration page using this plugin. https://wordpress.org/plugins/custom-registration-...
On the page, make a choice of role during registration. Next, you can install the Role editor plugin.
With it, you can create and edit the necessary roles and restrict access to certain user actions.

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