rinatx2016-02-03 14:08:34
rinatx, 2016-02-03 14:08:34

Wordpress does not see my JavaScripts, put the site on hosting, uploaded it to the database, but it does not load them, how to fix it?

I developed a site on a local server, uploaded scripts (JS) to the theme, functions.php file, the site does not find these scripts, and searches in the directory that was on the local server. In the console you can see the full path from where he is trying to load them .. In general, it will be clearer visually, please help link:
By the way, if I run a local server, everything works fine ..

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2 answer(s)
Oleg Krasnov, 2016-02-03

Or you have specified an absolute path.
Either the wp_options database still contains the local site in the seourl and home fields.

rinatx, 2016-02-03

Damn, the jamb was found, thanks to everyone, really absolute paths were indicated, but I just didn’t notice ...

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