vladeol2017-09-29 15:26:17
Search Engine Optimization
vladeol, 2017-09-29 15:26:17

Wordpress / Apache 2.0. How to remove GET parameters?

I've been suffering for the 2nd day, I can't find the answer.
There are a lot of links in the index like:
site.com/ ?get= 123&teg=312
site.com/page/2/ ?get= 456
site.com/blog/post ?get= 789
You need to trim parameters using 301 redirect.
Actually, no matter how much I googled how to set it in .htaccess, nothing happened. Perhaps because of the version of Apache (2.0)
I tried several plugins, but they all use regular expressions only for the source URL, for the target one you need to enter a static one, therefore I refused this option.
Perhaps one of you knows how to cope with this task?

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2 answer(s)
Anton, 2017-09-29

Maybe it will be easier to close the geta in robots?
Disallow: *?

Viktor Taran, 2017-09-29

site.com/blog/post? in the redirect where - put the question at the end, it
will remove the get parameters

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