Jimmy Neutron2017-01-08 12:31:21
Jimmy Neutron, 2017-01-08 12:31:21

Woocommerce include folder customization. How right?

Guys, here's the task, how to customize the woocommerce functions that are in the include folder?

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2 answer(s)
Ivan, 2017-01-12

If there is an urgent need for such actions, first of all I recommend creating a repository for woocommerce git (for example, on GitLab) and creating a separate develop branch for customization and a branch for the original plugin. So when updating the woocommerce plugin, you can make a merge request between the original and custom branches without losing your work. And after that, deploy the plugin from the repository into a working project.
If it’s not just about a global change in the woocommerce core, but about new functionality, it’s better to create a separate plugin.

Igor Vorotnev, 2017-01-12

For the vast majority of cases - hooks (actions and filters) + their custom functions on them.

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