ibesenok2014-01-26 18:50:47
ibesenok, 2014-01-26 18:50:47

WooCommerce Display subcategories

Guys, tell me please how can I display only subcategories of a certain category?
There is this code:

                $args = array(
                    'number'     => $number,
                    'orderby'    => $orderby,
                    'order'      => $order,
                    'hide_empty' => $hide_empty,
                    'include'    => $ids,
                    'parent'    => 0
                $product_categories = get_terms( 'product_cat', $args );
                 foreach( $product_categories as $cat ) {
                 echo '<div class="nav_pg_holder"><a class="nav_pg">'. $cat->name . '</a><img src="http://test1.ru/wp-content/themes/lavare/img/krestik.png" class="krestik" alt=""></div>';

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1 answer(s)
WordPress WooCommerce, 2014-01-26

the child_of parameter in the arguments array.
you don't have it. but parent is present.
parent can be safely removed from the list, instead put child_of
in it, put the ID of the desired term.
the whole tree of his descendants will return.
read the details in the instructions for the method wp-kama.ru/function/get_terms

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