Sergey2018-05-07 23:01:26
Sergey, 2018-05-07 23:01:26

WooCommerce ajax?

Good afternoon, I'm learning to work with WP, I started to pick WooCommerce and I'm trying to attach it to my layout.
There is a page with goods and at the top I display a mini basket: prices / quantity / description.
The question is how can I change the data in it with the help Ajax?
of Now "в корзину"I just hung the function on the button

<a href="/home/?add-to-cart=<?= $product->id ?>" data-quantity="1" class="product_type_simple add_to_cart_button ajax_add_to_cart product__button" data-product_id="<?= $product->id ?>" data-product_sku="" aria-label="Добавить &quot;<?= $product->name ?>&quot; в корзину" rel="nofollow">В корзину</a>

$('.ajax_add_to_cart').on('click', function(e){
    let $href = $(this).attr('href');

          	type: "GET",
         	url:  $href,
          	data: $href.split('?')[1]
  		}).done(function() {
  		}).always(function() {

The data is sent, the product is added, but you need to somehow re-render the mini cart ...
Or am I doing some kind of game and there are more adequate ways?) Thanks in advance!

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