smolbat2019-10-18 14:23:47
smolbat, 2019-10-18 14:23:47

With what accuracy can you synchronize the stream of an online radio station with time in the browser (there is a need to display subtitles for songs on the radio)?

I am planning an online radio, in which, in addition to sound, there will also be subtitles (as in karaoke). Can this be done and how? What to read? My attempts to transmit text along with the audio stream led to a large out of sync (a few seconds, but tenths of a second are needed).

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2 answer(s)
smolbat, 2020-01-11

I decided. Crutches, but it works. I'm just sending the songs one by one. And the site is synchronized without problems.

Alexander, 2019-10-18

The simplest thing is to transmit a video stream and there are already subtitles (text in the form of a picture) - in the audio and video streams they have synchronization, so there should be no delays.
You can also assume that the delay is constant - set it in the code, but this is how lucky.

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