1Aspect12021-01-10 18:16:59
Career in IT
1Aspect1, 2021-01-10 18:16:59

Will they take a web programming junior abroad with a Russian university diploma?

I am 14 years old, I plan to learn web programming in python and JavaScript before the university until the age of 18. I will study at a Russian university for a crust and try to go abroad, is there any chance to break into a good company with a Russian education?

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8 answer(s)
Developer, 2021-01-10

A diploma is needed only as a formality already at the stage of applying for a job.
And they will only hire you based on your knowledge and skills, if you manage to pass all the stages of the interviews.
Juna has practically no chances for this.
But in general, you will be taken abroad with pleasure. Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Nigeria and many other countries. This is the border.
You have great opportunities to go abroad.

border border discord. if you want to live in Europe, decaying from the standard of living, it is better to go to study there.

Sergey Gornostaev, 2021-01-10

Education almost doesn't matter. Only professionalism matters. Therefore, there is practically no chance for a junior to get a work visa.

Dr. Bacon, 2021-01-10

It is not the diploma that is important, but your knowledge, you will have to prove them somehow, and not stupidly wave your diploma.

Dmitry, 2021-01-10

There are 3 years to prepare and enter a foreign university, if a global decision is made.
and what will happen in 8 years in the world now is even difficult to imagine, or rather, in principle,
impossible You would lift the veil of secrecy that there is a foreign country. Silicon Valley or conditional Czech Republic? For work abroad, it is more important to learn the language of the host/residence country during this time. I'm not even talking about English, which is the default. Suddenly they gathered in China.

Northern Lights, 2021-01-10

Have you watched the videos on YouTube? kokoko, abroad, web, js, multigadeneg, puff puff ko-ko-ko
Nobody needs you there (as well as here).

Vasily Bannikov, 2021-01-10

Only if you find a company that wants to bother with issuing a work visa for a junior with no experience.

Puma Thailand, 2021-01-10

You will finish studying for a master's degree in ten years.
I'm afraid that your profession will no longer be relevant, and there is a great chance of a cold war.

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