Tim Joyo2018-04-13 19:21:12
Domain Name System
Tim Joyo, 2018-04-13 19:21:12

Will there be problems with companies if you register a branded domain like toyota.ru?

Is it possible to legally register such domains as bmw.ru, ford.ru?

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5 answer(s)
aderes, 2018-04-14

it all depends on the type of your activity and the interests of brand owners ... for example, if you have a bmv.ru domain and sell cars (for example, used bmv or others), then such activities can mislead end consumers as to who sells cars to them, in addition can harm the reputation of the brand owner...
and if, for example, you sell clothes, then this does not intersect with the activities of the brand owner... bmv - registered as a trademark issued only for certain types of activity according to the Nice Classification, probably in bmv this is not the sale of clothes, although they may have this type of activity

Dimonchik, 2018-04-13

you can
also split legally
train on pi$da.ru

Egor Kazantsev, 2018-04-13

I regil ridge-russia.rf and there were no problems with the parfyon.

CityCat4, 2018-04-16

You can, if you are free, of course. And it may not even be taken away, at least at first - if you don’t start, let’s say, using used cars to barge and undermine their business.
What is the purpose of registration?
Stick to a brand? Sooo quickly corporate lawyers will figure it out and just as quickly the domain will be taken away in favor of "them".
Resell? You are not the first to come up with such an idea :) They will take it away for that and also say thanks that they found an unused version of the domain name :)

m0nym, 2018-07-26

If the content of the site is related to the brand's products, the court will decide not in your favor unambiguously.

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