Nikita Shchypylov2017-03-10 13:24:25
Nikita Shchypylov, 2017-03-10 13:24:25

Will MBP 13" 2015 pull two Full-HD displays?

Hello everyone
I'm a front-end developer, I'm interested in the following question: Will the MF839 pull two full-hd displays + its own and basic tasks like browsers, PhpStorm'a, Photoshop, etc.?

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4 answer(s)
silverjoe, 2017-03-10

My 2012 MBP pulls two FullHD monitors. I see no problem with your 2015.
It is clear that the load is purely working, without any toys

di23, 2017-03-10

Certainly! I started the car from my MacBook Air. )))
In general, the built-in video card ... One fullHD will pull. Two is a question. But this, as for me, is a perversion, sticking two additional monitors into a 13-inch laptop and thinking that this will increase work efficiency.

Denis Fedorets, 2017-03-10

will be able. easily.
he is not like two fhds, he will pull two ATDs, if necessary. plus your display

Stalker_RED, 2017-03-10

Dual screen and video mirroring modes: simultaneous support of full native resolution on the built-in screen and up to 3840x2160 pixels on one or two external monitors;


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