yuk1692018-04-12 13:16:39
Law in IT
yuk169, 2018-04-12 13:16:39

Will I be able to terminate the contract with Rostelecom if I have a debt?

Good day. I warn at once a lot of letters. Briefly, it will not work. I have such a problem. I use the services of the Internet provider Rostelecom. At the moment before everything that happened, I had a tariff of up to 50 Mbps for 500 rubles. One fine day, going into my personal account to pay for the Internet, I saw a gorgeous picture - without my knowledge, without warning me in any way, they changed my tariff to some kind of gaming one for as much as 990 rubles. I was shocked. I went into the management of services and saw another wonderful miracle. Someone's WORLD OF WARSHIPS game account was also connected to this tariff, they have such a feature there. So also the name of the account is some kind of "Nikitka" (By the way, my name is Maxim). This is an additional fee, like 90 rubles a month. I was very surprised it means to me that someone changed their tariff there, and at my expense they made some kind of account for themselves there, I do not exclude that this same Nikitka is one of the employees of Rostelecom, apparently they still have some kind of access to personal accounts . In general, I myself definitely did not connect anything to myself, 100% straight. I think, okay, now I'll ask in the web chat what the hell. Well, there, as usual, they excused themselves, they say, without your applications, we cannot change anything ourselves and no accounts have been connected to you. Well, yes, of course, I'm apparently a fool, or I go in my sleep and under the influence of sleepwalking I did everything myself. I think, okay, I unsubscribed from all game accounts and left a request to change the tariff. ATTENTION, I changed to an UNLIMITED tariff with a speed of up to 35 Mbps for 600 rubles. The application was accepted, and the next day I already used the Internet with a different tariff. but it would be better if I immediately checked in my personal account what they connected to me there. it's just tin. After a day of using the Internet, I got a sign in the browser that I had run out of the limit and the "continue session" button. I thought, what a glitch? I signed up for unlimited. I clicked to continue the session and went to my personal account. And I just fell, these nonhumans connected me with a completely different tariff. LIMIT! so only 2 gigabytes KARL! Of course, it ended in 1 day for me. and moreover for the same 600 rubles! 600 for 2 gigabytes, what is that? I think, okay, I left the application again, checked a hundred times whether I chose the right tariff and clicked send. the rest of the day I surfed the Internet in excess of traffic, tried not to climb a lot, I thought I’d pay 500 rubles on top there, it’s okay. Then they changed my normal tariff and I calmed down. Almost. When I received the bill for the month that I used the Internet, I just fell. For those half a day that I used Internet traffic, they counted me as much as about three thousand rubles, but as it turned out, this was not the end of the lawlessness on the part of Rostelecom. They probably have 1 mb like gold there, since they gave me such a price. But it would be better if they gave it than what I saw later. I decided to pay 1000 every month to gradually pay off the debt. After some time, I again went to my personal account to see how much debt was left, and then it hit me. I did not expect such impudence. Do you know what my balance was? -17495 rubles. My hands are trembling I thought why the hell do I owe so much? Haven't I already been charged in excess of traffic for those remaining half a day that I climbed on the Internet? I immediately got into the web chat and they told me that the amount of about 14 thousand is the consumption of additional external traffic! I understand this is still for those half a day that I used the overtraffic! I just freaked out, what the hell is this? Of course, I’m not going to pay such a huge amount, and I don’t even pay so much for the Internet in a year than they charged me in 1 day. Immediately, the first thought was to terminate the contract, and then the hedgehog hung the question, did they terminate the contract with such a debt? In my case, I don’t think that the fault is on my side, it’s their fault that I don’t understand what they have for the prices, they clearly counted a lot of extra. Here I sit and think if I go right now to break the contract, what should I rest against to prove their guilt Yes, I don’t even pay so much for the Internet in a year than they counted me in 1 day. Immediately, the first thought was to terminate the contract, and then the hedgehog hung the question, did they terminate the contract with such a debt? In my case, I don’t think that the fault is on my side, it’s their fault that I don’t understand what they have for the prices, they clearly counted a lot of extra. Here I sit and think if I go right now to break the contract, what should I rest against to prove their guilt Yes, I don’t even pay so much for the Internet in a year than they counted me in 1 day. Immediately, the first thought was to terminate the contract, and then the hedgehog hung the question, did they terminate the contract with such a debt? In my case, I don’t think that the fault is on my side, it’s their fault that I don’t understand what they have for the prices, they clearly counted a lot of extra. Here I sit and think if I go right now to break the contract, what should I rest against to prove their guilt

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5 answer(s)
SaM1808, 2018-04-12

Направления описанные выше в принципе верные, хоть и с оговорками.... некоторые советы от меня, решайте сами как поступите:
1. Сделайте оф. запрос и получите у РТК реально на бумаге (с подписью или как ответ на оф. запрос) сумму своей задолженности, движения денежных средств за последний месяц-два и детализацию предоставленных услуг за этот период. На будущее - это единственное основание для обращения в суд, рассказывать кому-то что-то про личный кабинет - бессмысленно.
2. Если с начисленияеми, указанными в полученном документе вы не согласны - пишите оф. претензию с указанием несогласия проведенных начислений и просьбой провести корректировку. (я бы не угрожал судом с самого начала... , для РТК - суд вещь обычная и многочисленная, для Вас - не знаю, но побегать придётся и _очень_ много и дорого).
3. Well, if they don’t make an adjustment and refuse your requirements (must justify) - you can look towards the court ... The question is whether it will be cheaper ~ 17 thousand. If they win, of course, they will return to you, but it can drag on for years .. . :)

CityCat4, 2018-04-12

Put the tag "Jurisprudence in IT" - your question has little to do with networks :)
There are several options
1. Someone else works at the computer and he changes it
2. Changes Rostelecom
3. Changes the virus
Most likely you will have to go to court. First, of course, it makes sense to write to support - with a dry documentary presentation of events. Of course, the RTK will unsubscribe that I am not me and not mine. Save all correspondence with RTK - it will still be needed in court. RTK, of course, warn that you are going to file for them - sometimes even for a brown dip it works harder than hitting a tambourine (for example, this is how I got rid of Dom.Sru, who wanted to recover from me for an unproven television service :D).

poisons, 2018-04-12

For good, it’s better not to pour it out here, but in writing to Rostelecom on paper in the form of a claim. I don’t know how it is accepted by Rostelecom, but this statement must be delivered to the operator either by mail with a return receipt, or in person with a receipt for receipt at the office. In the claim, indicate everything described above, without emotions in dry text, indicate your intention, i.e. that you refuse to pay and demand termination of the contract, ways of contacting you.
One thing I want to note - all communication is only on paper, or by voice, no web chats. When communicating by voice, you need to warn the other party about your intention to record the conversation, record all conversations.

WayMax, 2018-04-12

Imagine this analogy: let's say you're my friend, you asked me for a car for the weekend, we agreed on the cost that you would return the car with a full tank of gasoline. Riding on my car, you break it into the trash and tell me: "Here's a canister of gasoline as we agreed, and over there are pieces of your car, and I went"
- Wait, friend, how is it?
- I do not think that the fault is on my side, it is your fault (you could not give me your car)
- But the car is worth a million. So you owe me a million.
- I just went nuts, what kind of chaos is this? I'm certainly not going to pay such a huge amount

Maxim Shishkin, 2018-04-12

Most of the advice above is relatively sensible (you can even see that people with legal education wrote). But in general, the advice is a little out of touch with reality.
In particular, advice about the court. Firstly, the stories that the courts last for years - such a case will be resolved in one or two sessions. Secondly, an individual without a law degree in this case will not be able to cope without a representative (at least he will not be able to correctly determine the subject of proof and the evidence base, which will quickly turn into a collapse. The cost of certifying digital evidence will immediately exceed the amount of the claim without a guarantee to return them. Representative services too
. 2.
1. a claim/request on paper to the office of Rostelecom.Further based on the answer.
2. Find specialized groups on FB / another network and start shouting unpleasant things at Rostelecom - their representative instantly appears and tries to resolve the problem, often making concessions, because reputation is more expensive. This action will bring success by 80 percent.

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