Alexey G2019-01-17 08:51:38
Alexey G, 2019-01-17 08:51:38

Why Yii2 Captcha doesn't see Action in module?

So. All actions take place on the Yii2 framework in the feedback module

public $urlRules = [
        'prefix' => 'feedback',
        'routePrefix' => 'feedback',
        'rules' => [
            'send' => 'send',
            'captcha' => 'default/captcha',

class DefaultController extends Controller
public function actions()
        return [
            'captcha' => [
                'class' => 'yii\captcha\CaptchaAction',
                //'fixedVerifyCode' => YII_ENV_TEST ? 'testme' : null,

public function rules()
 $rules[] = [$field, 'captcha', 'captchaAction'=>'/feedback/captcha'];

The form:
 echo $form->field($this, $field)->widget(Captcha::className([
                        'captchaAction' => '/feedback/captcha'

If you go to the
page, then everything is OK - we will see a picture (captcha).
But when I go to the feedback form, I get an error:
Exception (Invalid Configuration) 'yii\base\InvalidConfigException' with message 'Invalid CAPTCHA action ID: /feedback/captcha'

I tried to write in the model like this:
$rules[] = [$field, 'captcha', 'captchaAction'=>'/feedback/default/captcha'];

In this case, the error does not occur, but the image address becomes:
/feedback/site/captcha?v=5c4016f819eec6.36931450 , where the site comes from is not clear, and, accordingly, the image is not there..

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