anna_makeenko2019-12-26 16:43:49
Social media
anna_makeenko, 2019-12-26 16:43:49

Why video hosting and social. Are networks blocking video/audio downloads?

I wonder why video hosting and social. Are networks blocking video/audio downloads?
Of course, you can download using all sorts of extensions, but still wondering what is the purpose?
Copyright holders? Prevention of high loads?

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3 answer(s)
Ronald McDonald, 2019-12-26

Copyright holders? Prevention of high loads?

Here you answered yourself.
It remains only to add that you still pay for online content by winding up advertising for both cheeks, but this will not happen when downloading.

IT_S_M, 2019-12-26

It's because of the copyright holders.

anyuta84, 2019-12-27

Certainly from the copyright holders. The same VKontakte at one time received a ton of legal risks to its address for copyright infringement.

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